jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2012

Essay # 6 Noise Pollution

Student name: Luis Murillo Garcia

Course: English III

Essay #6 – Noise Pollution

Date: 13/12/2012


Nowadays, noise is defined as unwanted sound. Noise pollution consists of all the unwanted sounds in our daily life and sonic pollution originated in the workplace. There are some types of noise pollution found in the environment, workplace and new technology (Two sentences are missing.  Rewrite your Thesis Statement since the topics developed in the essay do not match with your Thesis Statement.  After each paragraph find in blue the main topic each paragraph is about.  So, use them to rewrite your Th. Statement.)

It is not easy to give an adequate noise pollution definition.  However, noise pollution would basically be a form of pollution done by different audio sources that distract, irritate or damage certain environment. Noise is really any unwanted sound, some sound that is not natural to given environment and it causes disturbance to not only natural processes but can also cause harm to human society. Noise pollution can become big environmental problem in some areas. It is not only stressful to many animals. Noise pollution

The most common source of noise pollution is transportation, in form of motor vehicles. Some other sources like car alarms, emergency service sirens, office equipment, factory machinery, construction work, barking dogs, power tools, lighting hum, different audio systems, loudspeakers and noisy people can also cause noise pollution but motor vehicles are globally speaking dominant source of noise pollution. Sources of noise pollution.

Nowadays in our world there exist some types of noise pollution; examples of this are the following:

Neighborhood noise: Excessive noise from neighbors can be frustrating and can cause a lot of unnecessary stress. In many cases, people making the noise is unaware they are causing a problem. This can usually be sorted out quite quickly by letting the person know the noise is affecting you.

Barking dogs: Noise from barking dogs is dealt with in the same way as other domestic noise.

Construction noise: Construction sites are a very common source of noise pollution. They are often in areas which were quiet beforehand and therefore the noise generated from their activities is very noticeable.

Street and traffic noise: The Environmental Protection Act does not cover noise from traffic, be it car, train, bus or airplane traffic. In some circumstances,  we may be able to tackle individual vehicle owners who persistently use their radio in an unacceptable way. Types of noise pollution.

Noise pollution represents an important public health problem that can lead to hearing loss, sleep disruption, cardiovascular disease, social handicaps, reduced productivity, impaired teaching and learning, absenteeism, increased drug use.,and accidents. It can impair the ability to enjoy one's property and leisure time and increases the frequency of antisocial behavior.Noise adversely affects general health and well-being in the same way as does chronic stress. It adversely affects future generations by degrading residential, social, and learning environments with corresponding economic losses.



jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2012

Unit 10 - No Technology? No Way ?

Noise pollution is excessive, displeasing human, animal, or machine-created environmental noise that disrupts the activity or balance of human or animal life. The word noise may be from the Latin word nauseas, which means disgust or discomfort.[1] The source of most outdoor noise worldwide is mainly construction and transportation systems, including motor vehicle noise, aircraft noise, and rail noise.[2][3] Poor urban planning may give rise to noise pollution, since side-by-side industrial and residential buildings can result in noise pollution in the residential areas.

viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2012

Essay #4 – Should Animals be kept in Zoo?


Should animals be kept in Zoos? I believe that animals should be allowed to enjoy their own natural habitat and live with their family freely, not trapped behind bars and cages. I do not agree that animals should be kept in zoos. Most people go to the zoo purely for entertainment and I strongly believe that animals were not created for that purpose only. Zoos claim to educate people to preserve species, a lot of animals are trapped in cages and also animals are forced to live in climates they are not adapted to.

 Zoos teach people that it is acceptable to keep animals in captivity, bored, cramped, lonely, and far from their natural homes. But, sometimes they are suffering from more lack of care in some zoos. Most zoo enclosures are quite small, and labels provide lack of information, diet, and natural range. Animals’ normal behavior is occasionally discussed, much less observed, because their natural needs are seldom met. Zoo visitors usually spend only a few minutes at each display, seeking entertainment rather than education.
In my opinion, they shouldn't be kept in zoos. They were born in the wilderness and should live and die in this environment. They should make their homes/nests in natural places just as we have made our houses and suburbs and cities. It's absurd to think that we should be so pompous to pick and choose animals out of the wild to lock in cages for people to come by and look at. I mean, just because we're higher on the food chain, we think we can do whatever we want with the planet and its many non-human inhabitants.
A lot of animals caged in zoos are taken out of their natural environment and climate. One good example of this is a polar bear. Polar bears are animals that are used to sub-zero temperatures and putting them in a place like San Diego Zoo, where the temperature can reach well into the 90 degrees is cruel. For an animal like the elephant, however, it is the opposite. These animals are often forced to live in climates they are not adapted to or even capable of adapting.

During my childhood, I visited the Bolivar Park Zoo, and I did not use to think twice about how the animals must feel trapped in those small cages. But now as I am learning more about freedom and free will to choose to live how I wish, I am forced to take a step back and look at these caged animals. I realize these animals have the same desire for freedom that I do. Putting myself in their shoes, I have also come to realize that caging animals for entertainment is wrong.


lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

Unit 9- Homework - Tan Le: My immigration story

Tan Le: My immigration story

Unit 9- Finding a Niche

Immigration is the movement of people into a country or region to which they are not native in order to settle there.Immigration is made for many reasons, including temperature, breeding, economic, political, family re-unification, natural disaster, poverty or the wish to change one's surroundings voluntarily.

Top Three Myths about Immigration

Unit 8 - Goodbye to Sit-Down Meal

Unit 7 - What's the use of homework?

HomeWORK Homework, or homework assignment, refers to tasks assigned to students by their teachers to be completed outside of class. Common homework assignments may include a quantity or period of reading to be performed, writing or typing to be completed, problems to be solved, a school project to be built (such as a diorama or display), or other skills to be practiced.